Living Love Through the Practice of Trust: What about trusting in something we can’t see? I often begin the healing candle prayer by calling upon the “Spirit of Life and Love.” I often refer to god as a verb, or perhaps an adjective. Is god a process? Is god something we partner with? Is god within us? Out there and separate from us? Is god everything? Is god the same thing as the Spirit of Life and Love? Do you cringe when I say god? Do you prefer “something bigger than us that we can’t explain”? Do you use words from other religious traditions? As Unitarian Universalists, we are all on different spiritual paths, and that is what makes us a unique—and deeply rich—faith tradition. As a whole, we can say that we put our faith in our shared values. But we cannot say that we all put our faith in the same image when I call upon the Spirit of Life and Love or use any other terminology for the divine. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it. We have so much to learn from one another, whether we agree on this or not. And sharing can only help us build trust. Adrienne maree brown also wrote: “How fast you can move is determined by how much trust you have. And people won’t trust you unless you are vulnerable with them.” So this week, I am inviting you to listen to others with humility and care as they open up and become vulnerable, and to perhaps even share your thoughts.