February’s Worship and Programming theme is “Living Love Through the Practice of Inclusion”
Inclusion isn’t about being invited to sit at someone else’s table, it’s about building a new table together, where each person’s voice and presence matter equally. –Russell Lehmann
The Practice of Inclusion is inextricably linked to the Practice of Story: who is included in our stories? How do our stories shape power dynamics? Who is included in decision-making processes because of our stories? How do our stories reflect the worthiness of all beings and who we include in our communities?
The topic for this Sunday’s Worship Service was chosen by Mary St. Denis at UUCL’s Annual Service Auction (Heather offered “sermon topic of your choice” and 6 people bid, so be on the lookout for more exciting topics!). Heather and Mary will explore the goddess archetype and how women held power before patriarchy and Christian hegemony. As we expand our historical knowledge, how can we be sure that not only women, but also those who identify as trans, nonbinary, and genderfluid, are respected participants in “building a new table.” As this Sunday is also Imbolc, we will honor the Goddess Brigid. Join us for learning, song, ritual, and spiritual play!