Sunday- March 2, 2025

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY- March 2 (este domingo – 2 de marzo)
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11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration(exploración religiosa para niños)

Children of all ages are invited to join us! We start in the sanctuary with the adults, then before the sermon we head over to the children’s classroom.  We have discussion to build community and explore the ideas brought up in the worship service. We also have stories, games, arts and crafts and other activities to have fun and learn together.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service     (servicio de adoración)
Living Love Through the Practice of Trust: Join us this Sunday as we discover how practices of trust help us build a community that has an impact on the world. It is essential in these times to organize around our UU Values that promote the democratic process and the thriving of life. “If we are willing to embrace the challenge of becoming whole, we cannot embrace it alone—at least, not for long: we need trustworthy relationships to sustain us, tenacious communities of support, to sustain the journey toward an undivided life.” Parker Palmer