Ponderings of our Spiritual Life Director 2-26-24

#UULent day 12: equity.

From https://ssir.org/articles/entry/what_the_heck_does_equity_mean

Philanthropy’s search for meaning in the word “equity” shouldn’t reflect badly on the field. Understanding equity is somewhat like the proverbial blind men describing the different parts of an elephant they touch but failing to “see” the whole animal. True understanding will come by gathering multiple perspectives. As one program officer at a national foundation so astutely put it, “The fact is that we don’t know what equity looks like as a society, because we’ve never actually had it.”


Why are the men who constructed the building named but the women who started the club are not? Is the building the most important part in the telling of our histories (herstories)? Do you know who should be named here as an organizer of the Sorosis Club and its first president?