Let’s do mycelial organizing inspired by the underground fungal networks that turn waste and toxicity into new life. –adrienne maree brown
#UULent day 16: fungi. Perhaps you are wondering why “fungi” is on our lent calendar. Even if you’re not, or if you have a sense of how fungi brings meaning to interdependence (that’s the word for #UULent day 19), reading adrienne maree brown’s inspiring thoughts about fungi can help deepen your understanding. brown observes structures and processes in nature and applies them to ways that humans can adapt these structures and processes to organize themselves for transformative justice– to liberate us all from the evils of greed, war, poverty, racism, destruction of the Earth.
So, here’s an article written by brown about fungi: https://truthout.org/articles/four-insights-for-radical-organizing-from-the-mysterious-world-of-mushrooms/
Here are some pictures I took of fungi in Wisconsin (aren’t they gorgeous? If you’re curious about the doll head, just ask me). Below that, I’ve excerpted a few thoughts from brown’s above article:

How Can We Strengthen Our Connections?
Mycelia growing underground actually bind the soil, which is made from the detritus of all that exists. Carrying necessary information along its network, mycelia help slow and stop the spread of dangerous toxins and preserve the fundamental life force of the forest. Similarly, by being mindful in our interdependence and communication, we can bind the chaotic content of our lives into a coherent and nourishing foundation for the world to grow. We can warn our communities of potential danger, and stop the spread of toxic behaviors and practices in our midst.
Mycelia work in a cyclical, spreading way — cyclical in how it processes the world around it into food and fuel, and spreading in how it is constantly seeking more information and resources under the earth. Reflecting on this motion gives me guidance in my world-shifting work: I cycle lived experiences of injustice and miracle through my system, and then spread to connect with others and communicate what I know, have and need.