Ponderings of our Spiritual Life Director 1-6-25

  • Social justice refers to a political and philosophical theory that focuses on the concept of fairness in relations between individuals in society and equal access to wealth, opportunities, and social privileges in a society.
  • The five main principles of social justice include access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights.

I am so grateful to have Sheri leading our Social Justice team! We had a great turnout, with over a dozen participants. Thanks to everyone for showing up! I want to share the concerns and ideas that were expressed during the meeting that will help us find a focus as we move forward:

  • How can we, as a community and individually, organize ourselves so that we are spending our money at businesses centered around values we uphold?
  • How can we effectively address housing and food insecurity? Regarding children, we can bring in a speaker from KidsPack
  • Promote literacy: teaching literacy, teaching tolerance; gathering school supplies and other needed materials to support educators and classrooms; being present and speaking up at school board meetings about book banning, etc. and partnering with Equality Florida on this endeavor
  • Continuing to support the local LGBTQ+ community, including youth, via our connections with Rose Dynasty; establishing relationships with LYA and PFLAG
  • How do we address religious abuse? Can Heather partner with other religious leaders from the Interfaith Coalition to provide deconstruction support groups?
  • Continuing to support the work of raising awareness of and helping those in domestic violence situations via our connections with Red Tent Initiative; also looking into an organization that serves nationally, The Joyful Heart
  • Supporting foster parents who lack the resources to provide continuity of care to the children they are caring for
  • Where do these issues intersect? Where does climate justice intersect with these issues? We will participate in the UUA’s Climate Justice Revival and rediscover the UUA’s Green Sanctuary program

There is much to do! If you missed the meeting and would like to contribute to UUCL’s social justice work, email Heather and share your ideas, insights, and concerns about the injustices around us.