Sunday- April 21, 2024

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY- April 21 (este domingo -21 de abril
For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – New Sunday Seekers Group  (nuevo grupo de buscadores)

New “Sunday Seekers” group meets at the Social Hall at 10 AM. Veysel will be leading this new group to share our life experiences and build stronger community relationships based on our Unitarian Universalist values and covenant. All are welcome!

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group(grupo de debate de adultos)

 Continuing discussion of subjects of interest to you.
The Adult Discussion Group welcomes first timers.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration(exploración religiosa para niños)

Children of all ages are invited to join us! We start in the sanctuary with the adults, then before the sermon we head over to the children’s classroom.  We have discussion to build community and explore the ideas brought up in the worship service. We also have stories, games, arts and crafts and other activities to have fun and learn together.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service     (servicio de adoración)

The Gifts of Interdependence: Flower Communion–101 years ago, Norbert Capek had a beautiful idea.  This idea turned into a denomination wide annual ritual– The Flower Communion.  Please bring flowers to add to our unique bouquet this Sunday as we celebrate our interdependence and learn more about Norbert Capek’s beautiful idea.

Please join us for Social time after the service. Snack or drink contributions welcomed.