The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time. –Mary Oliver
Welcome to May and our exploration down the path of Creativity!
Mary Oliver’s quote above offers us a beginning point for self-reflection. There are an infinite number of ways to be creative. How does creativity call to you? Do you answer that call?
If not, why not? Do you think it’s silly? Do you think you don’t have time?
I urge you not to ignore creativity’s call, for I believe that creativity is the Spirit of Life. If you ignore it, you are ignoring the spirit that can sustain you and bring joy to your life. And, it is quite likely that your creative spirit will bring joy to others, as well.
I invite you to take out a journal and write (or talk into a notepad on your device– however you want to do it). Reflect on when you follow the call to creativity and when you don’t and why or why not.
If you need a space to share your creativity, I invite you to email me and let me know, as there will be opportunities this month in our worship and other programs, or just one on one, over tea, in my office.
If you are someone who is good at following the call of creativity, think about how you can inspire others in our community to do so.
And please, don’t tell me you are not creative! I don’t believe you, it’s a lie, and you shouldn’t believe it either. There are so many ways to be creative and it has nothing to do with having the skills to paint a portrait or write a soliloquy.
I look forward to traveling down the path of Creativity with you this month. I expect it will awaken our spirits and deepen our connections! Take good care of yourselves and let’s nurture our souls together.