Sunday- February 12, 2023

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY- February 12 (este domingo – 12 de febrero)
For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group(grupo de debate de adultos)

In parallel with this month’s theme “love”, bring an article, story, experience, that shows the caring nature in our life

10:00 a.m. – Sunday Seekers(domingo buscadores)

Sunday Seekers will be on a short hiatus while Veysel conducts new member classes in the RE room. Watch this space for a return date!

Both The Adult Discussion Group and Sunday Seekers welcome first timers.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration(exploración religiosa para niños)

Children of all ages are invited to join us! For the month of February, our theme is The Path of Love. We start in the sanctuary with the adults, then before the sermon we head over to the children’s classroom.  We have discussion to build community and explore the ideas brought up in the worship service. We also have stories, games, arts and crafts and other activities to have fun and learn together.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service     (servicio de adoración)

“Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules.”    – Tom Robbins, from Still Life With Woodpecker.  I wonder, is that what makes love so hard to define?  This Sunday, we will explore love’s many facets, from biology to behavior, so that we can understand how to love one another better.   
Board of Trustees meeting – 1 pm

Potluck following service