This last Sunday, we focused on the ways in which we can build a caring community. More and more, I see that this congregation understands that the path to changing the world is relational. We first need to have a loving relationship with ourselves and the Spirit of Life. When we are self-aware and self-compassionate, we can then be in loving relationships with others, accepting them for who they are. From there, we build a strong community, one in which we trust each other as we move to the frontier of making social change together. Sounds easy enough, but as we know, working through differences, misunderstanding, and conflict isn’t always easy. Learning how to share power, share ministry, and be in a trusting community is hard work, and requires vulnerability and humility. But it’s happening. I asked a few questions at the end of the service for all of you to engage in. Here’s two of them, and some of your answers:
How do we see, and know, and accept each other?
I am a work in progress. Still learning my role/job/place in this great journey of life. Every day I am growing by letting go of that that doesn’t matter, like greed, hate, jealousy.
I become more self aware through the church and my other groups.
We accept others when we are self aware and know of our own foibles.
Be self-aware. Understanding myself is a route to understanding others.
Listen more, Talk less…Listen from the heart.
By giving space for others to come forward and share of themselves.
I am mindful to be loving and kind in my everyday interactions with you all and everyone that I come in contact with. I am mindful to be empathetic and compassionate.
The respect that people show for each other here is very supportive of comfort, growth, peace, self revelation. We’re one, but we’re not the same.
Every time we are confronted by ways different than ours is an opportunity to grow in love.
Attending to needs of all.
Balance listening and talking, sharing and in honoring the Hindu concept that there are many paths to god and/or Goodness.
I accept everyone for who they are and not what I want them to be.
How are we becoming more aware of our wholeness?
Thinking outside the self. Loves, Family, Neighbors, City…
We have jumped into It Takes a Village fearlessly, knowing we will support each other.
This last thought speaks volumes– we knew we would support each other. This is a journey towards wholeness. Only because we’ve become self-aware and compassionate, accepting towards others, building trusting, loving relationships, could we connect with strangers and build a food pantry that feeds people in need of our caring and compassion. Do you see how the interconnected web works when we infuse caring and compassion?
Connection. Love. Transformation. Our shared values are certainly at work!