Sunday- June 30, 2024

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY- June 30 (este domingo -30 de Junio)
For all Sunday services- JoinURL:

10:00 a.m. – New Sunday Seekers Group  (nuevo grupo de buscadores)

Sunday Seekers group is on Summer break  until further notice. We discuss how our Unitarian Universalist values and covenant impact our life and community. Everyone is welcome!

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group(grupo de debate de adultos)

The Adult Discussion Group is on summer break.
We discuss subjects of interest to you.
The Adult Discussion Group welcomes first timers.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration(exploración religiosa para niños)

Children of all ages are invited to join us! We start in the sanctuary with the adults, then before the sermon we head over to the children’s classroom.  We have discussion to build community and explore the ideas brought up in the worship service. We also have stories, games, arts and crafts and other activities to have fun and learn together.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service     (servicio de adoración)

June 30 Worship Service:  “The Gift of Renewal” This Sunday, we will offer each other the gift of renewal by sharing our nature scavenger hunt for renewal finds. Heather tasked you to go outside and find one thing you are curious about–it doesn’t have to be the most grand or exciting thing you see, it can be something quite mundane, actually. And then, investigate it. Use your senses to describe it, observe it. Get on google or go to the library and find out about this one thing. What sort of wondrous, even magical things have you learned about it that renews you spiritually? How does it connect you? How does this part of the natural world call you to pay more attention? To nurture? How does it remind you of who you are and where you come from? Can you put it to music? We will share with one another and this will launch our month of cocreating worship together, supporting one another through the long days of a Florida summer! (Note: sharing will be limited to under 2 minutes per person, so please come with one idea about how your discovery has been renewing for you.) Feel free to email Heather with any questions or ideas