Have you been taking photos for/reflecting on the UU Lent words?
I love this spiritual practice and I look forward to it every year. I’m someone who has to write a lot- for school, for church. Sometimes it feels like too much. But doing the UU Lent word a day is different. It’s creative. It’s fun. It asks me to get in touch with spirit that I might not normally do. I love that it’s paired with a photo. Being able to express myself visually provides a great release from the stress of writing, and writing more. But what ends up happening is that once I have a photo paired with the word of the day, the writing just flows.
#UULent day 6: wish. I wish the writing would always just flow, especially now that I should be done with my thesis…but I’m not. I’m tempted to take a picture of my messy writing space, with books and papers strewn all over it, but somehow I don’t think that will help cure this writer’s block. So instead, here’s pictures of three women who were vital in bringing Universalism and Unitarianism to Lakeland, FL: Bertha Steitz, Patsy Eger (I haven’t “introduced” you to her yet, but I will!), and Cleo “Tommie” Thomas. Please join me in making a wish– that I may bring their good works back to life and do it justice as I finish my writing!