Ponderings of our Spiritual Life Director 4-12-23

Hello Everyone!  I am in Chicago this week doing that research for my thesis that I mentioned last week.  But, I just wanted to mention that I thoroughly enjoyed being with you all this past Easter Sunday- we learned about one another, about different holy days, and we had a wonderfully joyful time!  This joyful time together helps to fuel my week and I hope it’s the same for you.  Creating joy together is one of the ways in which we learn to thrive together so that we may continue to resist the forces of harm and destruction.

I offer you this quote from our Soul Matters resources on “Resistance“:

  Quote by Rev. Gretchen Haley: These times ask us to instead be what Martin Luther King Jr. called, “creatively maladjusted.” These times ask us to see and name what is not right, what is dis-ordered in the world and to refuse to believe it is normal, or acceptable, or moral – and instead to believe that we are meant for something else – to expect peace, and equality, and mutual respect – for everyone, including ourselves. And these times ask us to come together in our congregation as a part of what Unitarian Universalist minister Rebecca Parker calls a “community of resistance,” which she defines as “countercultural habitations in which people learn ways to survive and thrive that can resist and sometimes even transform an unjust dominant culture.”