Sunday- January 15, 2023

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY- January 15  (este domingo – 15 de enero)
For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group(grupo de debate de adultos)
Open: Bring an article or subject to discuss.

10:00 a.m. – Sunday Seekers(domingo buscadores)
This is a place to express joys and sorrows, discuss issues of the week, and receive companionship and loving support from other group members in a confidential manner.

Both The Adult Discussion Group and Sunday Seekers welcome first timers.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration(exploración religiosa para niños)
For the month of January, our theme is Finding our center. We’ll begin in the sanctuary and when we leave to go to the children’s classroom, we will continue to explore the ideas brought up in the worship service. We have discussion to build community and explore ideas, and we have games, arts and crafts and other activities to have fun and explore.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service     (servicio de adoración)

Finding Our Center and the Call to Social Justice:  This Sunday, we will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy during our multigenerational worship service.  This service will be an inspiration for all ages and will help us to prepare to march once again in Lakeland’s MLK parade (did you know that we have been participating for at least 30 years?  Please join us!).  
Social time after the service. Snack or drink contributions welcomed.