Sunday- December 11, 2022


For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group
Open: Bring an article or subject to discuss.

10:00 a.m. – Sunday Seekers
This is a place to express joys and sorrows, discuss issues of the week, and receive companionship and loving support from other group members in a confidential manner.

Both The Adult Discussion Group and Sunday Seekers welcome first timers.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration
Wow, it’s December and as the song says, “The most wonderful time of the year.” The children have their own tree in the sanctuary this year, so we’ll be making some decorations while we explore the topic of wonder. We meet in the sanctuary with the adults, then head off to the classroom for lessons, discussion, crafting and play. 

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

Wonder and Mysticism: Inside All– Poetry and Song
You are invited to join us for an exploration of mysticism through poetry and song.  Come with curiosity and to just sit back and enjoy OR come to participate and share your creativity! …
Poets, writers, and those who just want to give it a try!  What poet comes to mind when you hear the word mysticism?  I think of Rumi.  But Google also tells me that Walt Whitman, Wiliam Blake, Hidegard of Bingen, Mirabai and others are considered mystic poets.  Find a mystic poet, philosopher, or theologian to inspire you and write your own mystic poetry!  Not sure exactly what mysticism is? Think “oneness with the divine, or that which is greater than you”.  Maybe it’s oneness with the forces that create and uphold life? Go ahead and get Googling! In what ways can you poetically express the wonder and awe you have for that transcending mystery of life?  Please email your poem by December 10th to [email protected].

Also, check out this article for inspiration:

Potluck luncheon after the service. Please bring food or drink to share.
UUCL Auction to follow.