Sunday- November 21, 2021

THIS SUNDAY, November 21

For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group

Bring a topic of concern to you for the group to discuss.

The Adult Discussion Group welcomes first timers in person or on zoom.  Check it out.

10:00 a.m. – Sunday Seekers

Sunday Seekers evolved from the Adult-RE discussion-group format to more of a “support group” format.  It’s a place to express joys and sorrows, discuss issues of the week, and receive companionship and loving support from other group members. 
In person and Zoom

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration

The children’s program is now meeting every Sunday morning! We are exploring the seven principles and what it means to be UU.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

Worship and Programming on Sunday, November 21, 2021, will be a learning opportunity and a time to offer our intentions for healing a broken world.  

First, at 9:30 am, we will be showing “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code”.  You can watch the preview for it at this link:
It’s about an hour long documentary, so there will be a break afterwards and before worship.  During this break, you will also be invited to walk the land around our church and to collect something from it (without harming it) that you can bring to our ritual.  This something should be a something that helps you feel connected to the life and land on which our spiritual home resides.  Feel free to bring something from your home, as well.  

11 am, we will offer a healing ritual in which we can root our intentions in our deepest values and discern ways to move forward and make change.  This service will be only about 30 minutes long.
11:30 a.m.  We will set up a listening circle so that we may speak out loud our learnings and emotional responses to the movie.  This will help us process, understand different perspectives, and contribute to the discernment process for making change.

I look forward to the Love + Connection = Transformation that can occur by engaging ourselves in this learning, listening, and spiritual discernment.