Sunday- September 6, 2020


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10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group

Why do we have good and evil?  Do good and evil change with time?

10:00 a.m. – Adult Religious Exploration

Adult RE will continue their discussion of our UU Principles.  We learn from each other when we share of our experiences and perspectives about being a Unitarian Universalist.

11:00 a.m. – Children Religious Exploration

The virtual meeting format has not worked well for the children and families in the Religious Exploration (RE) program, so we won’t be meeting on Sunday mornings for now. We are still looking into how to best serve our children, youth and families. Please email Melissa at [email protected] if you have creative ideas to share or could use support from us. 

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

Water Communion:  We can’t be in-person for our Water Communion this year, but technology will still help us be together!  I am compiling videos of everyone’s contribution to the communion and they will be put together and showcased this Sunday, along with story, song, and inspiration.  Please join us on our journey towards wholeness!