For all Sunday services- Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/947344488
10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group
The importance of music in your life. Is there a song that represents a special moment in time?
10:00 a.m. – Adult Religious Exploration
Adult RE will continue their discussion of our UU Principles. We learn from each other when we share of our experiences and perspectives about being a Unitarian Universalist.
11:00 a.m. – Children Religious Exploration
The virtual meeting format has not worked well for the children and families in the Religious Exploration (RE) program, so we won’t be meeting on Sunday mornings for now. We are still looking into how to best serve our children, youth and families. Please email Melissa at [email protected] if you have creative ideas to share or could use support from us.
11:00 a.m. – Worship Service
Returning to Meaning: Almost 6 months have passed since we were told to stay home and be socially distant. Although restrictions have loosened and things have “opened up”, our everyday lives are certainly still very different. Nevertheless, the feeling to return to a meaningful life pulls strongly upon our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. Let us reflect together and figure out how to root ourselves in the emotions and events of the past 6 months so we can move forward with strength and perseverance, meaning, and love.