Sunday- June 21, 2020


 For all Sunday services- Join URL:

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group
What has the greatest influence on quality of life; geography; nature(inherited qualities at birth); or nurture (influences from society you are born into). How have these factors influenced your life?..

10:00 a.m. – Adult Religious Exploration

In Adult RE, we will be discussing mercy and compassion and how it relates to the values of the second principle. Can there be justice without mercy or compassion? Does the current justice system reflect either of these concepts? How are compassion and mercy different from each other? 

11:00 a.m. – Children Religious Exploration

The virtual meeting format has not worked well for the children and families in the Religious Exploration (RE) program, so we won’t be meeting on Sunday mornings for now. We are still looking into how to best serve our children, youth and families. Please email Melissa at [email protected] if you have creative ideas to share or could use support from us. 

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

On Sunday June 21st at 11:00am we will have our annual UUCL Pride worship service via Zoom. This service is a collaboratively created service which will feature a number of our LGBTQ+/GSRM (gender, sexual, romantic minorities) members and even a few guests of members. UUCL is a home for many LGBTQ+/GSRM because we are not just welcoming, but also affirming and uplifting. We are embodying hope when we listen (and don’t talk over and deny what was said), hear experience and truth from other folx, and provide a spiritual home where individual meaning-making is honored and everyone’s voice is included in the building of this beloved community.Please join us for this service. Come with open ears, minds, and hearts.