For all Sunday services- Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/947344488
10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group
What should be women’s role in today’s society? Should women be treated the same as men in all aspects of society?
10:00 a.m. – Adult Religious Exploration
Applying the First Principle to ourselves. Sometimes, it’s more difficult to see the inherent worth and dignity in ourselves than in others. What life experiences shape us and how we see ourselves and how does that affect how we extend that to others? How do we overcome negative thoughts about ourselves to see our own inherent worth and dignity? Please join us Sunday at 10 for the discussion!
11:00 a.m. – Children Religious Exploration
The virtual meeting format has not worked well for the children and families in the Religious Exploration (RE) program, so we won’t be meeting on Sunday mornings for now. We are still looking into how to best serve our children, youth and families. Please email Melissa at [email protected] if you have creative ideas to share or could use support from us.
11:00 a.m. – Worship Service
This Sunday, we welcome special guest Sarah Ray from the Atheist Community of Polk County. Sarah will be talking to us about one of her social justice endeavors, Project Blitz, and how the separation of church and state in the public schools relates to bullying, marginalization, and our first principle.