Updated information for today’s service- March 29, 2020

Hello Everyone! The UUCL Leadership and I are still working hard to set up virtual programming and to stay connected. We care very deeply about each of you and we believe that staying connected will give us the strength and inspiration to move forward.This Sunday’s Worship Service will include a “Radio Show” style production of a Henry David Thoreau play that we were originally set to perform on this date. The message to be relayed through this production is highly relevant to these strange times!

Additionally, we will have Adult Discussion Group at 10 a.m. and Children and Youth RE at 10:15. All you have to do is click on this link to the “main sanctuary” and I will put you in the group for either of the above. Then, just before 11 a.m., I’ll close those groups and bring you back to the “sanctuary” for worship.Here’s the Zoom link for ALL of Sunday morning:https://zoom.us/j/947344488As always, let me know if you need help with Zoom or just need to chat! Much love to you all.