Dear Members and Friends,
After much consideration, the Board of Trustees and I decided last week to suspend in-person worship, meetings, and other gatherings for the foreseeable future. We believe this is the best way to care for our community and contribute to the wellbeing of society at large, especially since the confirmation of a case of COVID-19 here in Polk County as of yesterday, March 17, 2020.
We believe it is vitally important to continue to stay connected with another. We are planning to keep moving ahead with online worship services. Furthermore, we are working on bringing our other programs to Zoom. We received feedback from last week’s service and are making adjustments, but overall, it was very well received. Included below are instructions for using Zoom.
This process will not be perfect. Please understand that staff and Board members are working hard to iron out the technology and ways to make this work. Thank you for understanding and having patience as we figure this out together. The health and wellbeing of all is of primary importance to us. Please reach out to me or a board member if you need anything.
ZOOM Instructions from Brandon:
We’ll be using Zoom for Sunday’s Service.
We’ve chosen to use Zoom because the benefits of using Zoom are that it is a platform that will allow us to maximize engagement with one another during this time that we can not be with one another in person.
Zoom Link to Sunday Services:
We will be starting the Zoom Link to the Service at 10:30am. If you are new to Zoom, please join at least 20 minutes early so we can help troubleshoot with you. Brandon will have his cell phone on him and you can call if you’re having trouble connecting. Brandon’s Cell # 434-414-4894.
Once everyone has joined, we will give a brief overview of Zoom and discuss a few key features.
Be aware that we can see you once you’ve joined with your video (although video is optional), so make sure that you’re wearing clothing!
Very Basic Instructions to join the Zoom Meeting:
1. Click on the the Zoom link above.
2. Join Audio when prompted.
3. Join Video when prompted.
Basic Helpful Tips:
1. Zoom functions best with a computer, but can be used with cell phones and tablets as well.
2. Using Headphone is very helpful for those that are hard of hearing.