10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group
Can Social Science be Compared to Natural Science?
10:00 a.m. – Adult Religious ExplorationWhat makes us Unitarian Universalists? And what is a UU? What do those 7 Principles REALLY mean and how do we go about applying them to our lives and to our community? 11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration
During the worship service, our children and youth will be invited to the Meditative Maker’s Corner in the sanctuary to work on an activity that is relevant to the day’s theme and helps to teach them about Unitarian Universalism- our Principles and our Sources- and encourages them to learn how to worship Please email Jenni Warren at [email protected] for more information.
11:00 a.m. – Worship Service
Mystery and Wonder: Finding Peace in the Power of We- Join us for this very special worship service for all ages as we welcome Ama Chandra to immerse us in spirit-filled sound, song, and story. We will be reminded of our responsibility to carry on and provide a heritage of persistence in our work towards peace and imagination in the ways we can get there together. Ama’s sound work will cultivate the peace we need within and amongst ourselves in order to lead us towards the ways we can spread peace beyond our community.
Potluck Sunday, after service
Have you ever heard of “Stir-up Sunday”? I’m just learning about it. Usually, it’s the Sunday before Advent starts and usually, folks are stirring up some kind of pudding. But, I thought, why not make our potluck this month a stir-up Sunday? Humans cannot live on pudding alone, though, so what can Unitarian Universalists stir up that can nourish our bodies before we go stirring up hope, peace, love, and justice in our world? Stir up a dish for potluck and join us for a delightful Sunday together!
Conversations for Liberation, Sunday after Potluck in the Sanctuary:
UUCL is a congregation that values justice for all. But how do we get there? The UUA has asked us to have “Conversations for Liberation”. This is an extension of the work we did at the 2019 General Assembly (Helen, Heather, Jenni, and Alexandria attended). This is one of the ways which we are bringing the work back to you. We are asking you to be a part of this important movement that seeks to change our culture and listen to the voices from the folks on the margins so that the worth and dignity of all humans is recognized and all have access to resources and power. If we want to be a world changing community, it is essential that we begin to talk about how to do this hard work and find our unique role in the time and place that we have before us. This is how we pull together and harness “The Power of We”. So, WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE! After potluck this Sunday, when your belly has been nourished, come nourish souls by contributing to these conversations. SEE YOU THERE!