Sunday- September 8, 2019

What’s Happening this Sunday, September 8

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group

What is our legal system? Does it promote fairness for all?
Bring a news article for next week’s discussion.

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration
During the worship service, our children and youth will be invited to the Meditative Maker’s Corner in the sanctuary to work on an activity that is relevant to the day’s theme and helps to teach them about Unitarian Universalism- our Principles and our Sources- and encourages them to learn how to worship Please email Jenni Warren at [email protected] for more information.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

The Balance of Beauty and Destruction- In a world with increasing destruction to our planet and to each other, how do we find beauty? How do we keep our souls nurtured so that we may also heal our world? Drawing from the native wisdom of Carol Lee Sanchez, this Sunday’s sermon seeks to inspire us to adapt a new way of thinking and story-telling so that we may restore balance to ourselves and the planet.