Sunday- March 31, 2019

What’s Happening this Sunday, March 31

10:00 a.m. – Adult Discussion Group

2 topics: Thoughts reflections about the importance of springtime and renewal.
               What are the positive aspects of the American government and society?

10:00 a.m.- Village RE

Stay tuned for upcoming Village RE events!  Our new DRE, Jenni Warren, has been busy planning and creating progamming for our children, youth, and families.  If you would like to share ideas with her, feel free to talk to her on a Sunday morning or email her at [email protected].

11:00 a.m. – Children’s Religious Exploration
During the worship service, our children and youth will be invited to the Meditative Maker’s Corner in the sanctuary to work on an activity that is relevant to the day’s theme and helps to teach them about Unitarian Universalism- our Principles and our Sources- and encourages them to learn how to worship Please email Jenni Warren at [email protected] for more information.

11:00 a.m. – Worship Service

“A Pilgrim’s Progress: 24 Unitarians and Universalists through the ages tell the history of UUism”, presented by Barbara Wallace, Gili Freeman, and a huge cast.