There will be a short Congregational meeting to approve a modified annual budget on *Oct.26th. This meeting requires a quorum of eligible voting members so please be sure to attend.
(*We erroneously showed this in last week’s newsletter as Oct. 19).
Ministerial Search:
At the annual meeting in May, the congregation voted to seek funding for a full-time minister by canvassing the congregation to establish a $60,000.00 fund that would show candidates that we had the ability to pay their salary.
When you make a contribution to this fund, please indicate on your check that it is for the “Ministerial Fund”.
Annual Auction
Our Auction will be held on December 14th after Sunday service.
We need donations. What would you like to donate? Dinners are our most popular item but you may want to offer another service or an item for the silent auction. More on this event later!